2017-03-11 Rhoscolyn to Four Mile Bridge and Back

Having arranged with Gareth and Sarah to meet at Parc Cybi Truck stop at 09:30 on Saturday morning, I decided to head over on the Friday night rather than a very early start on Saturday morning.  With the usual Friday night traffic, I arrived at Anglesey Outdoors just before 11:00 pm, just in time for a quick pint in the Paddlers and to put my tent up in the rain. It was a very windy wet night, but I slept surprisingly well.

At 08:00 am I headed off to Mac D's for some coffee, food and some wifi, to allow me to check the weather forecasts. Looking at the wind and tides our options were limited. Rhoscolyn seemed like the best bet. We could either go left or right out of the bay, depending on the conditions and whatever we fancied.   I knocked together a trip plan, then it was off to the the truck stop to meet Gareth and Sarah.

20170311 Sea Journey planner

At the truck stop, Roger Chandler (Coastal Spirit) was there with a group to do some big tidal races. They were going to get that alright. They were looking a little worried!

When Gareth and Sarah arrived we went through the options. Another idea I had, was to go to the north of the island around Harry Furlongs. But knowing Sarah is very happy when it gets a little rough, I knew this would not be on the cards.

So off we went to Rhoscolyn to a deserted car park in the drizzle.

An empty car park

Once we were out on the sea the conditions were much rougher than we were expecting, so it was a left turn out of the bay. Rock hopping was a problem as it was difficult to get close in.

Sarah and Gareth (no lens finger)
Sarah and Gareth (and my finger)

A Cymyran narrows there was some good messy surf to be had. Gareth and I had a quick play before we all decided to paddle up against the flow, eddy hopping, all the way to four Mile Bridge. This was challenging and quite good fun. The drizzle was still coming down, visibility wasn't huge and it was a dull dull dull day.

Half way up we stopped on what looked like a nice sandy beach only to sink into the sand 6 - 8 inches when we stood up.

Stuck in the sinky sand
Stuck in the sinky sand

Whilst we ate our lunch some geese flew past, but identifying them wasn't easy in the dull light. In terms of birdlife there wasn't as much as you'd expect. Most of the birds must have been keeping dry out of the rain.

At Four Mile Bridge we discussed why they built the bridge with only one small hole in it, and wondered what the straits would have been like before the embankment and Four Mile Bridge went in. It must have been very different. A little Swellies perhaps.

Gareth playing in the currents
Gareth playing in the currents
Sarah at Four Mile Bridge

Heading back was quick! Except for one point where we all ran aground, cutting a corner out of the main channel.

Gareth is god! He can walk on water!

Looking at the GPS log we were doing 5 Kts without really trying.

After another quick surf, we were able to rock hop our way back to Rhoscolyn.

In the drizzle
Gareth rock hopping

It may have been a dull wet day, but it was a good paddle with great company.

What a wet day
Tiny surf
1 km
3000 ft
Leaflet Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025

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