2017-10-29 Rhosneigr, Sunday (not) Big Surf, Curly’s 50th Weekend paddle

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After another good night in the Paddlers bar, with great food (as always), great  atmosphere and excellent real ales, much talk had been about the likelihood of some reasonable surf conditions the next day. And so, it was decided to meet up open Sunday at the Roadking transport cafe for breakfast for 9:30.

Despite the clocks going back an hour and getting an extra hour in bed, I was late! I had had an excellent night sleep and was in no great hurry to get up and leave. It was only when I realised that everyone had already left that I grew concerned. I may have a problem. The night before I managed to get well and truly stuck in the field, requiring the services of Mable the Land-Rover to tow me out. If I got stuck now I wouldn't be going anywhere fast. And now, there were few people around to help me.

Launching my van off the hardstanding across the field I made good progress, slipping through the mud, down to the entrance road, just as another van appeared. Luckily, they stopped, because if they hadn't, I would have been well and truly stuck. This part of the field was it's boggiest! Anyway, I was now off the boggy field and on my way to the transport cafe.

At the cafe, after weathering all the jibes about me being late, I found out it had been decided to head to Rhosneigr for some "Big Surf".

Arriving at Rhosneigr, it seemed Neptune had had a different idea, there was hardly any surf to be seen. "Ah, but it is low tide" someone said. "When it starts to come in it will build...". This sounded like an excellent plan, so we headed for the nearest cafe for coffee and cake. Those who had had the full transport cafe breakfast were going to suffer now.

Eventually, we left the nice warm cafe and decided to get on the water. Every now and again a smallish set of waves would come along, then there would be nothing for a while. I took myself off for a paddle around the islands, just off Rhosneigr and was joined by Sarah. The sun was out and it was not a bad day.

Back at the beach I caught a few small waves, before deciding it would be more fun to photograph the others.

OK so we didn't get big surf, but all in all it was a great little paddle with good friends. What could be better?

Pictures below: (To open in full screen lightbox mode click on an image.)

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