2023-06-09 Stacks Trearddur

Comb Jelly (with some Gooseberry's in the background). Note the bioluminescence

Penrhyn Mawr (PM) floods about 3:30 hours after HW Liverpool. Consequently, it was already flooding from about 07:00 (03:27 +03:30 = 06:57). As we were setting off from Porth-y-Post at 09:15, well, it would be rude not to, wouldn't it?

At PM the Fangs were still visible, so I decided to drop into the eddy behind the Fangs. To be honest it was all a bit messy, with swell and the wind coming through PM at about 90 degrees to the flow. So we played for a bit before, deciding to go onto the Stacks. Lots of rock hopping was had and the odd gully explored, hence the underwater shots of Comb and Gooseberry Jelly's. Giving the bird colony at South Stack a wide birth we had a look at going around the outside of South Stack. It wasn't looking great. Not just because of the current but also due the wind and swell, which we could see kicking up nicely. So it was case of back the way we came.

We stopped off for an Ice cream at Porth Dafarch, but were dissapointed that no ice creams were on sale. We ordered some drinks instead only to find the lady only took cash. "Never mind" she said, just drop the money back to me over the weekend. I have to admit I was very grateful as I was possibly just a little bit dehydrated.

So on we went to Porth Y Post. But by now both Si and myself weren't ready to end the trip there. So we carried on to Trearddur Bay for that Ice cream, whoo hoo, the ice cream van man accepted electronic/phone payments. After a little exclusion further around the coast we decided to call it a day and headed back to Porth Y Post.

Fab day!!

13.3 nm   6 hours and 50 minutes

GPS track

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