2016-11-13 NWSK End of Season Meet Day 2 – Porth Dafarch to South Stack and back
On day 2 of the NWSK end of Season meet, I decided I fancied some more lumpy seas to play in so I paddled with Sue's group, which consisted of Graham Cooke, Alan Tonge, and Alan. We messed about in Penrhyn Mawr for a bit before setting off for lunch stop in Abraham's Bosom.
It was then on to South Stack with lots of rock hopping along the way. The Sea state in places was lumpy like yesterday, but this was easing off throughout the day.
We managed a quick play on South Stack, before using the South Stack tidal race to take us back to Penrhyn Mawr.
Despite the weather forecast it was a cloudy dull day, with light winds.
A brilliant enjoyable paddle. I was feeling on top form and grinning all the way home!
Thanks to Sue for leading the trip. Sabina for organising the weekend, Penny at Anglesey Outdoors for being so accommodating, Stan for the excellent evening meal and everyone else for making this a very enjoyable weekend.
Full Gallery:
In the cave of Caerbannog! (having obviously disposed of the killer Rabbit)
Hitching a ride on the South Stack tide race back to PM
Hitching a ride on the South Stack tide race back to PM
South Stack
South Stack
Sue in her Rockpool
Sue in her Rockpool
Party Cave!
herein, carved in mystic runes upon the very living rock, the last words of Olfin Bedweer of Rhege
Party Cave
Party Cave – on the way to Australia
Funky camera setting
Sue Graham
Sue Graham rock hopping
Graham rock hopping
Reed Chillcheater – Great kit from www.chillcheater.com
Going in backwards (or maybe coming out)
Bones of four fifty men lie strewn about its lair. So, brave knights, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty big pointy teeth.
To the north there lies a cave – the cave of Caerbannorg
t’other Alan
Left to right – Alan Graham t’other Alan and Sue
Left to right – Alan Graham t’other Alan and Sue
Left to right – Alan Graham t’other Alan and Sue
Left to right – Alan Graham t’other Alan and Sue
Left to right – Alan Graham t’other Alan and Sue
Behold the cave of Caerbannog!
t’other Alan and err Alan (Graham)
Alan Sue and Graham
For the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel, that no man yet has fought with it… and lived!
Graham (aka Alan)
Sue in her Rockpool
Camera duelling in South Stack. Who is going to stop first?
Great paddling
Sue back from Australia (or wherever this cave goes to)
Back on dry land
Alan, Alan(Sue) and Alan(Graham)
Funky effect
Sue in a hole
Camera duelling in South Stack. Who is going to stop first?
Peek a boo
Sue and Alan
Leaving PM for South Stack
Now you see them now you don’t
In South Stack Tidal Race
South Stack
Lumpy bumpy
Our track: Nice speed coming back on the South Stack flow!
Hitching a ride on the South Stack tide race back to PM