2023-04-04 Bull Bay to Camaes

Si surfing the tidal waves off Middle Mouse

Meeting on a Tuesday for a change, Si and I decided to paddle the North Coast. We love paddling the North Coast of Anglesey, as there is always something to see. Not to mention the large tidal movements you experience along this stretch of coast. High Water (HW) would be at 11:16 am Liverpool, which means that setting off from Bull Bay, we would have the current with us until around 16:30 in the afternoon. The west going ebb tide starts to flow around 45 minutes before HW Liverpool and the East going Flood starts at around 5 hours and fifteen minutes after HW Liverpool.

Leaving Bull Bay, we rounded the headland and ran immediately into several Porpoises feeding on the surface. I guess the birds immediatley above the area where the porpoises were feeding gave the porpoises away. Gannets were diving from 30, 40 meters of so, a spectacular sight and there were also many gulls flying in circles above the water. We stopped and watched for a while. I was told once by a lady from the Sea Watch Foundation that porpoises were solitary animals and it would be rare to see more than one animal. Si and I reckoned there must have been at least 12 Harbour porpoise in this small area. But then we have seen "groups" of Harbour Porpoise just off the North coast of Anglesey many times before. It certainly not uncommon to see groups of porpoise on this coast.

We eventually headed off exploring the coast rock hopping as we went. The wind was was a fairly strong breeze from the south, so we were protected by the cliffs. Middle mouse was looking far too enticing though and after an exploritory venture out into the wind way from the cliffs, we decided to head out to the Mouse. It was a quite a ferry, with the current running well between the cliffs and the mouse. We had a play in the tidal race for a bit, before deciding to head back towards Camaes.

At Camaes we stopped for lunch in the Harbour and chatted to these two ladies on their sit on tops. One of these two ladies was wife to the harbour master. I bought myself and Si an ice cream from the little cafe by the car park. Before we set back off to Bull Bay, hugging the coast and eddy hopping against the flow.

A cracking days paddle.

Photos from Tuesday:


GPS track

What a fab day - the North Coast of Anglesey rarely fails to deliver!!

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