My Sea Kayak (B)log
Welcome to my Sea Kayak (B)log: I log all my Sea Kayak trips on saturnbull rather than use a paper log. This is also makes a good repository for some of my photographs, taken whilst out and about on the water (I've been known to take a few!). I hope you find it interesting and informative. If not then tough!
Latest Posts
2013-08-24 Oban Sea Kayak Race
During our previous couple of paddles together, Rob and I had been talking about doing this race. And so on the August Bank Holiday weekend we both travelled north to Oban for the forth Oban Sea kayak Race. It is said by some that the Oban Sea Kayak Race is 20km of sheer fun!...
2013-07-06 Flamborough Head
A near perfect day saw Rob and myself paddle around Flamborough Head to the Bempton Arch and back. With only the occassional wisp of wind and little or no swell, this was an epic trip. We set off from South Landing, having parked in the car park (pay and display) and trolley'ed our boats...
2013-06-29 Rhoscolyn (again!)
Having recently joined Liverpool Canoe Club, I replied to a message from Helen Bolister asking for any paddlers interested in free sea coaching! Helen needed paddlers to practice on as she had her coaching assessment coming up. An 6.00am early start saw me once again at Rhoscolyn for 8:30am, where I met Gareth Jones,...
2013-05-25 The Ormes
With the weather forecast looking really good, Rob and I decided to head off to North Wales and more or less decided on route, to paddle the Ormes. We parked up on the front at Rhos on Sea and it wasn't long before we were heading off with a little tidal assistance to Little...
2013-04-01 Rhoscolyn Anglesey
1st April 2013 saw a good days coaching with Roger Chandler of Coastal Spirit. Also it was my first day on the sea in my new "podless" Valley Etain 17-7I met Roger for a coffee and a chat about what I needed help on and then we decided where to go. The weather was a...
2012-10-25 Lismore/Falls of Lora – Seafreedom Day
A days 1-2-1 coaching with Tony Hammock of Seafreedom kayak. Seafreedom are a mobile sea kayak resource based near Oban, on the West Coast of Scotland. They provide sea kayak instruction, coaching, guided day trips, tours and rental. They can also offer superb "paddler friendly" bed and breakfast accommodation near Oban We paddled from...
2011-09-23/24 WWPF Cop Out – My First Sea Kayak Experience
The 2011 Wet West Paddle Fest (WWPF) was a bit of a turning point for me. Whilst I was happy paddling the Etive and other rivers in Scotland, the River Moriston had been playing on my mind for some time. This was due to all of the epic's I had experienced on this river...